Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Dance of Mystic Love

This is a journey through space and time following the thread of mystical thought .

Let's keep it for later

Languages of the body and sounds that interlace and that oftenare mixed between Eastern and Western culture, in an exchange of gestures and music. Unforeseen and ironical in the balance between improvisation and composition.


Migration of gestures and sounds in continuous movement. Cultures that meet thanks to dance and music; crossing between East and West, through art and its universal elements that mingle. A journey, walking across the limits, towards imaginary places.


An encounter between two dancers and two musicians, weaving a tapestry of gestures and sounds in an intercultural journey in which East and West meet.
Poetry in contiunuos evolution towards imaginary hybrid places,overcoming set boundaries.

The swallow

The last beats of wing in no man’s land.
Metamorphosis, where different arts succeed each other, generation after generation.
The flight, the incessant urgency of departure, incite the eternal cycle to unfold.

Steps of contagion

Encounter between dance and visual art
The leading line of the work is the concept of Contagion.
The objects on stage are: a totem, a heap of stones, a large gilded frame diagonally dividing the space.

The unveilled face

To talk about cultural anthropology is to question oneself about ones own cultural roots, trough confrontation with other realities. It is educate our attention to grasp in diversity the forming elements about the idea of “universal man”.

Traces "Gurugatha"

Traces “Gurugatha” is a prayer in honour of the Guru. It is a thanksgiving from Nuria to Krishnaveni Lakhsmanan and Kamala Rani, her Indian teachers of dance and music, who passed away a short time ago.

“On the way” 2007

Is a creation born of the exchange between Sandip Mallick indian dancer of Kathak, Federico Sanesi italian musician and composer and Nuria Sala spanish dancer of Bharatanatym and Contemporary dance.

Music that Dances with the Song

During this event rhythm, dance and singing intertwine with one another in order to reach the poetry of life together.

With the Whispering of a Chant

The teaming up of Eastern and Western artists and choreographers.
The Performance “ With the whispering of a chant”, is a poetical research between traditional and contemporary aspects that crosses and turns themes and the language of the dance-theater Bharatanatyam into actuality.