Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Traces "Gurugatha"

Traces "Gurugatha" Fotografie Melina Mulas

Traces “Gurugatha” is a prayer in honour of the Guru. It is a thanksgiving from Nuria to Krishnaveni Lakhsmanan and Kamala Rani, her Indian teachers of dance and music, who passed away a short time ago.

Nuria’s dancing brings to life the ancient figurations, creating a language where the codified action slips into a new gesture full of memories. Its choreography contains the feeling of a circle that is exactly the conception of time in India.
Federico Sanesi’s music creates again the sound of the cosmic elements and composes the sonorous universe where dancing generates. The voice of Neela Bhagwat sings antique poetic texts in Sanskrit to nature and to the earth as a Goddess. The works of Carla Sanguineti are the concrete and symbolic elements where the event of Traces takes place.
In the long way of everyday life between realities that obviously appear but implied transformations of thousands of year, Traces appear. They are the treads that connect us to the Guru, the teachers who with their teaching have brought and bring us to self-knowledge.
Water, that washes and purifies, the earth, the grain, and the milk that nourish, the wind and the sounds that vibrate, are great gifts: the music makes the eco be felt in the body that is dancing. Federico Sanesi using the Tabla, the Mrudangam, Gongs, Drums, the Vibraphone…, weaved a sonorous plat of different worlds that intertwine from nature to electronic. Neela’s voice is the conducting tread of and ecstasy, of the dancer joy who fells “the soul of the world”.


“The Soul”, work of Carla Sanguineti, flies like a butterfly, reflects the universe and the unconscious, creates images, connects the I to everything and to everybody. It makes the joy of living explode in the jubilation of dancing.
The dancer’s body takes on another dimension: it reveals the light and the beauty that it guards, the way it belongs to the earth.
In the art of dancing there are traces of the Guru, in the ancient gestures that have become the memory of the body and in the gestures that begin to express and transmit. In Nuria’s figurations memories appear such us lightning: the teachers, Chennai the city of dance that rises above the sea, the poetry of everyday life.
To which one returns, in the end, keeping the memory of the gift received in order to leave it to whoever comes after.
That is, Traces in the sand.

“ You allway have infront of you an old women, when you are walking and also one behind you, and they are not always the same, they can be terrible or nice, threatening or charming, while they are following the bends in the road.” Antonia Byatt

Prithvi sagandha

The earth is marked by the fragrance ,
Waters are the juices in life ,
wind touchs , and the fire is all brightness in life ,
The sky captures the sounds , the words .
I bow to all these elements every morning .

Samudravasane Devi

The earth wears a garment in the form of oceans
the mountains are her brests,
She is the wife of Lord Vishnu,
Oh earth , please accept my appologies and pardon me for touching you with my feet .

Choreography and Dance: Nuria Sala Sanesi
Scenic Space and Works: Carla Sanguineti
Music Composed and Played: Federico Sanesi
Poetic Text and Singing: Neela Bhagwat
Photography: Melina Mulas